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Ads, What a Drag: Burger King's Anti Pre-Roll campaign

Let's be honest, nobody really looks forward to seeing ads, especially when they are waiting for their video to load on YouTube. In this day and age of instant gratification, if your ad does not entertain or add value, you are wasting precious internet time.

Burger King acknowledged this early in 2014 with their 'Anti Pre-Roll' ad campaign on YouTube. They connected with YouTube users by sharing their frustrations with pre-roll ads in their own ad.

Watch the video:

From a creative perspective, they have two blokes on screen literally expressing their annoyance at the Burger King ad to relate the user, but not without referencing the 'incredible' deal that pops up on screen. This self-deprecative humor serves as a juxtaposition to how ads often try to sell and hype up their brand, and in doing so, cuts through the clutter by capturing the user's attention and piquing their interest.

From a media targeting perspective, Burger King cherry picked highly watched videos where their pre-roll ads would run to build a personalised ad experience for the user. This makes the ad even more interesting and relevant for the audience as it references the exact video that they were waiting to watch.

Burger King definitely did their research on their customers and their user behaviour on YouTube, and tailored their creative and media approach to build a fun and engaging ad campaign.

I hope that this serves as inspiration to make ads great again!


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