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Defy the Norm: Adidas empowers women in their Beyond The Surface campaign

Let's talk OOH for a moment because this campaign by Adidas has been making waves, literally, and is a great starting point for digital amplification and generating earned media.

Adidas, in their award winning campaign at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, tackles a societal issue in the Middle East with their somewhat controversial and attention grabbing 'swimmable billboard'.

Check it out:

Adidas shows us what breaking the barrier means, not only with their empowering message for women, but also in the way that they executed their marketing campaign. Traditionally outdoor billboards consist of pre-designed imagery or visuals. Adidas cleverly used the space as a live theater of sorts. This helps to cut-through the clutter of advertising.

Further to that, the live setting of the billboard served as a platform for women to spread confidence and empower women to don swimwear in public. They say actions speak louder than words, and it couldn't ring more true with this campaign.

The execution doesn't end there as a live stream is aired on the largest digital display billboard in Dubai and posters of swimmers are placed on OOH billboards. Further to paid advertising efforts, many news outlets picked up on this unique execution which led to $1.35 Million in earned media across 50 countries.

There isn't much mention of digital amplification, but further amplifying this on Social media and generating a hashtag to drive the conversation online can extend this reach even further. This can make adidas women's swimwear a symbol of empowerment across the globe. Let's not forget that swimwear sales are an important indicator of a successful marketing campaign. Attaching promo codes to digital advertising efforts can drive up online and even offline sales.

It's always great feeling when a brand successfully enters social conversations, and Adidas' marketing campaign was a clever and inspiring one. I hope that this inspires you to think of how you can defy the norm in your next marketing campaign!


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